Training levels range from introductory to advanced, and levels of technical difficulty are indicated by Session ID and Abstract.


Levels of technical difficulty are used to set expectations for attendees. It indicates the anticipated level of experience the attendee should have with the technology before participating in the session, so that they can best understand and appreciate the content.

Level 1: Introductory. Sessions are intended for the most basic, beginner-level audience. No prerequisites are assumed, and no prior knowledge of the subject matter is expected of the audience for a full understanding of the session content.

Level 2: Intermediate. Sessions are intended for a technical audience who have some knowledge of the subject matter but who need additional information on the technology, architecture, protocol, design, deployment or troubleshooting details.

Level 3: Advanced. These sessions are intended for a very technical audience. The session content is focused on fine detail, therefore a thorough understanding of the intermediate level technical detail on a particular subject is assumed and expected for the audience to gain any benefit from an advanced level session.


Levels of technical difficulty are indicated by Session ID and Abstract. The first number in a sequence for the session ID indicates the level of difficulty. For example:

1000 Series (ex: BRKVVT-1005) is an introductory session.

2000 Series (ex: BRKAGG-2102) is an intermediate level session.

3000 Series (ex: BRKRST-3015) is an advanced session.

Additionally, the first sentence in an abstract should indicate the level of difficulty.
